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Find out more about non-Profit British wrestling organisation, Hot Tag Foundation

By 3 June 2024June 13th, 2024News

By Steven Rhodes

Hot Tag Foundation are a non-profit organisation aiming to share wrestling with children across Britain. The HTF will collect donations of wrestling items such as toys that will then be personalised and packaged before distributing to children and young people on a national scale during seasonal holidays and events. On Saturday the organisation made a huge announcement about their future.

Hot Tag Foundation announced that they would be partnering up with Real Rasslin in order to appear at more shows and expand their foundation. This partnership will mean that the Hot Tag Foundation will be able to showcase their non-profit organisation at Real Rasslin sponsored events such as TNT Extreme Wrestling and Off The Page Wrestling as well as their other major sponsorships.

In Real Rasslin’s statement on the partnership they said that they “look to bring a global presence on the Hot Tag Foundation and their mission with a forever partnership”. Also in that statement they added that “Real Rasslin will also contribute both resources and support through regular donations of cash donations and tangible goods”.

Hot Tag Foundation founder Dan French

The founder of the Hot Tag Foundation Dan French also commented on the situation saying “This partnership is the first of many to come and will include a safe and innovative network for donations and storage through a huge name in the Britwres community.” In regards to Real Rasslin he added “The team at Real Rasslin have been incredibly supportive and enthusiastic, and through a shared ethos of our core values, this seeks to create more opportunities for exposure, leading to a more successful donation drive, and allows us to introduce more young people to the beautiful art of professional wrestling in the U.K. which we all love.”

Nathan the Director of Organisation Development for the HTF stated the following on the Partnership, “Real Rasslin is a multifunctional platform that draws fans from the pro-wrestling community and reaches promotions and affiliates both nationally and internationally, so the scope of this partnership is not lost on us.” He also added that “we believe this is the right way to start our journey.”