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LA Knight talks about his wrestling journey, legacy & confidence before WWE Money in The Bank

By 1 July 2023July 5th, 2023Featured, Interviews

By Sam Smith

LA Knight Money in the Bank

The WWE “Megastar” LA Knight is one of the competitors in the 2023 Money in the Bank Ladder match in London. Wrestlesphere caught up with LA Knight to ask him about his journey, the legacy he hopes to leave behind, and how he maintains his confidence. 

LA Knight has had fascinating career, holding multiple championships in various promotions. He’s now a favourite to win the 2023 Money in the Bank Ladder match and the WWE Universe are becoming increasingly vocal in their support. We asked LA about his journey so far and hopes for the future.

LA Knight WWE

LA Knight is becoming incredibly popular with the WWE Universe.

He said: “It’s the culmination of twenty years to get to this place after being shut out for long, so finally I’m coming here and proving to everyone around the world, it’s not a small thing. Everywhere we’ve gone, all around the world it’s been the same song and that song goes L. A. Knight. Yeah! And we hear it everywhere we go.”

“So, at this point we’re talking about a feeling, at least partially, of I told you so, but at the same time, just a feeling of strike while the iron is hot. They talk about strapping a rocket to me, giving me the push, don’t worry about that, I’ve been strapping a rocket to myself and giving myself the push for a good long time.”

Next we asked LA Knight if he ever thinks about his legacy and what he hopes to leave behind once his career is over. He told us:

“When we get into something like this, a lot of what you’re doing, well let’s be honest, everybody’s a little bit of an ego maniac, so when you start thinking what can I leave behind – and I’m no different. So, a lot of me is just like, man, I want to leave my mark on this thing, to just get in and make a crater in this business.”

As a WWE Superstar, LA Knight is known for his abundance of confidence and natural charisma, we asked LA how does he maintain his confidence, and what advise he’d have for others struggling with their own.

“There was a point in time, I was probably a teenager, when I just started to faking it. It made people really hate me for a minute, and while I was faking it, I started to get it for real. Then I kind of backed off and tried to meet it in the middle. I mean, don’t go around annoying everybody, but sometimes you’ve got to fake it until you make it.”

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WWE Money in the Bank is available on the WWE Network in the UK and on Peacock in the United States and will take place at 8pm BST and 3pm ET.

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